There’s an old saying that goes, “Customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you CARE” .  When your entire team sees the main thing as creating authentic relationships with everyone you touch in business – with energy, enthusiasm and empathy – it will give you a “leg up” on the competition. Caring companies know what matters to employees and customers and they focus on the things that matter most.

The Main Thing..

…Is to keep the main thing the main thing.   When my daughter lived in Santa Barbara CA, my preferred mode of transport from the LA airport to her home and back again was to take the Santa Barbara Airbus.   Once the driver picked up the last passenger he would stand in the middle…

Human beings tend to move in the direction of what they talk about. So, leader, let’s stop talking about “what’s wrong” with “these kids today” and start talking about what’s right. If you’re on my list I know you care about creating great customer experiences and nourishing the kind of culture that promotes them. I encourage you to make your own “What’s right” list.

Young People Today

As I do frequently, I recently spoke at a meeting of top execs who are looking to create thriving companies. Once again, (really?) the topic of managing young people today, AKA Millennials, came up, as it’s done for at least a dozen years. I’m still hearing some of the same things now that I heard…