The Surprising Truth about Motivation

One topic that came up on our last survey and comes up on any survey I’ve ever done to people who lead people who take care of customers is Motivation. You ask me how to motivate yourself and how to motivate your people as well. (And then of course there’s always motivating those customers to…


Are You Deviant?

What do Michael Jordon, Miley Cyrus, Rosa Parks, Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos), Lady Gaga and families with healthy children in West Bengal India all have in common? Positive Deviance. They’ve all done or are doing something that puts them at the far right end of the “bell curve” of normal distribution. They are “deviant.”…

This week I had dinner with my Mom at Seasons52. As the hostess took us to our seats, she picked up two black napkins and when we were seated asked us, since we were both wearing dark clothing, if we'd prefer a black napkin.

The Black Napkin

Last week I was having dinner with a colleague in Miami. A wonderful Italian restaurant on the inter-coastal waterway. Good food, good company. In the rustic tradition the white napkins resembled kitchen towels – thirsty but – uh fuzzy. Absorbed as I was in the food and the conversation I didn’t pay much attention to…

Authentic Happiness Coaching

In the Name of Loyalty

Oh brother. Now I’ve heard everything. Someone please tell me how cutting thousands of jobs at Sam’s Clubs is going to increase customer loyalty?   Looks like a cost cutting effort to me. If someone can shed some light on this please do. Are the employees of the sub-contractor be any more likely…
