
Karma Footprint

Journalist, Emily Yellin, author of “Your Call is (not that) Important to Us” in 2009  traveled all over the world to talk to people in call centers and their customers told wonderful stories of companies that are finally paying attention to the details of business that matter to customers. From recording an initial greeting for a…

Golden Pineapple Fruit

Get On Your Case

“I’ve been on my case” said Judith when we spoke today.

Judith called to involve me in a joint venture, and in the course of the conversation she used the phrase “no problem” seven or eight times. It was a pleasant, interesting conversation. She was an engaging and intelligent woman who knew her stuff, and as the conversation went on I kept getting distracted as I noticed the little hairs on the back of my neck wiggle every time she used the phrase that began with “No.”


You Must Be Happy All The Time

As most of you know, I teach positivity and happiness practices in business and I often hear, “ You must be happy all the time.” Surprise, I’m not happy all the time.

Sometimes I’m downright crabby. Lots of things effect my crabbiness – the weather, what I’ve eaten, how much sleep and exercise I get, the people I’m spending time with. Much like most people there are lots of things that irritate me, when I let them. (And yes, of course I do.)