Customer Service Week, which is October 1-5 this year is an international celebration of the importance of customer service and of the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis. Woo-hoo! It's a wonderful time to honor your staff and your customers - for after all - without either of them there wouldn't be much happening!

Celebrating Customer Service Week

Customer Service Week, which is October 1-5 this year is an international celebration of the importance of customer service and of the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis. Woo-hoo!   It’s a wonderful time to honor your staff and your customers – for after all – without either of them there…

I talk a lot about how to keep employees engaged and happy and taking exquisite care of customers. Over 30 pages of blog posts and articles full of mostly positive points of view on running the kind of business that breeds love and loyalty. What I don’t think I talk about much is what makes people disengaged and unhappy. Enlightened leaders examine both sides of the coin.


I talk a lot about how to keep employees engaged and happy and taking exquisite care of customers. Over 30 pages of blog posts and articles full of mostly positive points of view on running the kind of business that breeds love and loyalty.     What I don’t think I talk about much is what makes people disengaged and unhappy.…

Loyalty is an emotional attachment that a customer (or an employee) makes with a company that produces good feelings - and therefore good biochemicals in the body.


There are all kinds of companies on my mailing list – big ones, little ones and even some really tiny ones. Why? Everyone is concerned about happy customers, happy employees and what they bring – LOYALTY.    So what’s loyalty? Is it just longevity? Repeat business? Referrals?   It’s way more than that – it’s a combination…

Dr. Christena Ward, Owner, Eye Tech Frisco

I want to give you some positive feedback for the Customer Care Coach.  This format is working well for me and my staff.  I’ve have been surprised at how receptive and engaged the staff have been with the activities.  I am receiving a lot more positive feedback regarding patient and staff experiences from the staff.  I am happy to feel more connection to my staff.  I am also relieved and delighted that the preparation is minimal and doesn’t take up a lot of valuable time.

Thank you.

They have the willingness to make the kinds of choices others won’t. They have courage. Sure they have vision and some even have charisma, but they have the courage to see the vision through with all their heart. (The root word of Courage is Cor – the Latin word for heart.) Leaders who learn from me learn how to use their hearts not just their head.

You’ve Got This

Why is it that the night before I’m leaving on a trip I’m tidying my desk rather than packing my suitcase? Go figure.   While rooting through the “in” box I found a copy of an article I yanked out of the Sunday paper in May called the “Courage to Save to World.” As is…

Yesterday was my birthday. It was fun to celebrate over the weekend with friends. I started the morning with meditation and a walk on the beach before coming to work. My usual practice is to continue celebrating for the whole month of July.

You Say it’s Your Birthday .. What Do You Celebrate ?

Yesterday was my birthday. It was fun to celebrate over the weekend with friends. Yesterday, I started the morning with meditation and a walk on the beach before coming to work. My usual practice is to continue celebrating for the whole month of July.   Why all this celebrating? It’s important.   Celebration recognizes, magnifies…

A leader today can’t have all the answers, but she can sure open her world by having really good questions!

“I do it my own self”

My granddaughter is 10 years old now and did her first overnight trip with a school group this year. It was her first time being away from mom and dad for 4 whole days and nights. It was a great experience and although she expressed a little trepidation, I knew she’d be just fine.  …

Paul A Hallam – Plumbing Manager, Williams Comfort Air

I really enjoyed your program.  It was very impactful.  The focus of being positive is not easy, however the impact of being positive far outweighs the challenge in getting my mind there.  Your program has helped me be more positive with my staff as well as my personal life.  I recently had a friend of mine tell me “you are the happiest person I have ever met”.  I attribute this to being positive!

Thank You!

Jack Needham—Chief Thought Provoker, Williams Comfort Air

Positive Leadership is a way of life. It is not something that you do, it is something that you become. Walking day by day and month by month with the leaders of our organization and seeing the transformation of the coaching and leadership styles here at WCA is humbling at best. The Positive Leadership course assembled by JoAnna helped us accelerate the talents, skills, and abilities that are necessary to live this life while leading others. The one statement I hear time and time again is, “What are you broadcasting?, which is part of JoAnna’s program and quickly helps our leaders determine if they are above the line or below the line in their thinking.

If you've read any of Steven Covey's books you might remember the story of the woodcutter who, although much smaller than his competitor, felled a tree in half the time. The secret was that periodically the smaller of the two stopped his "sawing" and sharpened his saw, making him more effective than his larger more powerful counterpart. The metaphor shows us that sometimes we spend so much time producing results, "sawing,"  that we forget to "sharpen our saw," that is maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future.

Sharpening The Saw?

Did you ever open a file and find an article that you really loved but hadn’t seen in a while? Were you glad that you found it and did you find that not only was it still relevant but that is was more relevant than ever? Yeah, me too. And the funny thing is that sometimes…