Are You a Hero?

Years ago I was on assignment in NY, training a large number of people in a financial services firm. While the training programs themselves were about customer care, in reality there was a lot of work I did to help people manage stress.   I was called in at a time when a fair number…


Twenty One Years, Twenty One Insights

Today’s my 21st anniversary of being in business. Wow. That’s a long time and a lot of learning. I began with an idea. Imagine if you will, that every business sits atop a tripod – three legs, needing to be in balance to keep the business stable. Each leg represents a set of relationships. One…


Cultivate That Attitude of Gratitude

This week it’s Thanksgiving in the US.  It’s the time of year when we allow ourselves to get in touch with the things for which we are truly grateful. It offers us a time – away from our usual activity – to pause, to reflect and to feel the joy of appreciation. At this very…
